Saturday, June 30, 2012


The past couple of days I have had a fairly consistent sense of peace.  The Beth  Moore study began talking about God's tenderness toward us.  I don't remember being so strongly impacted by a study as this one, and this particular aspect of God's character.  One illustration was Thomas's inability to believe that Jesus was alive, despite the fact that his fellow disciples had seen Jesus.  Thomas himself had to not only SEE Jesus, but touch his wounds in order to be fully convinced.  The fact that Jesus gently proved himself in the way Thomas asked showed the depth of his love for his disciples, and by extension, us.

One note I wanted to share from this study is Beth's comment about how distorted our thought life/faith can become if we only know God by His Holy character without recognizing His tenderness toward us as children.  Adding this aspect of God's character to our understanding of Him is so important, for our own sake and the sake of those to whom we seek to share His love.

Today we will have a blood draw for pre-surgery tests and possibly an EKG.  Shrav is doing great, and has questions here and there, but says "Mom, it's ok, I have a good attitude about it."  Sweet thing.

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