Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Full Day!

 Kyle and Bailey (Shrav's cousins!) returned from New Orleans (a mission trip) today and they stopped by despite the fact that they have been gone for the past week, and they both leave tomorrow for camp(s).  These kids are incredible!!  I am very proud of them both - they are growing up right before all of our eyes.

Carol and her sweet Jack W came by for a visit and joined us for lunch!  Shrav and Jack enjoyed watching a bit of tv and it was so great to hang out with them!  They brought us the most precious smiley face cup filled with yellow daisies, with a beautiful yellow star-shaped balloon with a smiley on that too!   Jack W picked out and brought for Shrav a monkey that almost resembles a pillow-pet, but it is so adorable because when you lay on the monkey's belly, its 'hands' and 'feet' wrap around her head in a cute little hug..

 This is Kyle and Bailey -  Shrav's cousins!!  They look so much alike....crazy!  Love these kiddos!  They visited Shrav today and she was so thrilled!

Some things just have no words to describe them, like a wrestling match in a hospital room's just one of those things that makes our family "unique"  :)

When time starts to pass a little too slowly, there's nothing like a bubble blowing contest to help pass the time LOL.  I think it was actually the bubble game that led to the wrestling match between Jeff and Kyle....Kyle and Jeff were the master bubble-blowers....

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