Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Up And Going

Today was Spa Day - Shantell washed Shrav's hair and painted her finger and toenails - she was officially dubbed "The Princess of Fourth of July" on the PICU floor.

Today the goal was to be up and around as much as possible - she was a little tired, so we napped together in the afternoon and right when we woke up, Caleb, Dan & Stacey came was great timing because Shrav's nurse really wanted her to walk, and she had a group of cheerleaders to help her stay motivated!

Here she is walking around - she walked out into the hall, up past the nurse's station and back!  So proud of my baby girl!!

1 comment:

Sara L said...

Shantell is amazing. Thanks for taking the time to update us all. It's great to hear prayers are being answered!