Friday, July 6, 2012

One Day and a Huge Improvement

We are headed for the Pediatrics floor as soon as they have a room ready for us....we have been completely spoiled up in PICU since there is only one other patient up here.  Yesterday Shrav had a pleural effusion, basically fluid collecting near the lungs, but it drained out of the chest tubes nicely and this morning her x-ray was clear.

  The Peds floor must be filled up...but they have a cool playroom and beautiful rooms with large windows!  It will be a nice place to finish up our healing and prepare to go home.

One cool thing happened earlier today!  I went to the gift shop and a Volunteer was in there with her Therapy Dog.   A few coincidences later, Remy the therapy dog was taking a walk with Shrav through the PICU halls.   Caleb and Nana showed up while we were walking Remy - what a blast!

Pictures to come as soon as we are situated in our new space!

1 comment:

Eanne said...

Hi Shravani!

We're so happy for you that you get to move to your new room today.

We Love You!
Aunt Annie, Uncle Wes and Cousin Sam