Monday, July 9, 2012


We got home late Sunday afternoon, then Grandma Sue and Papa Bob came over to hang out and do arts & crafts with Shrav for awhile. Nana was cleaning up and putting everything away that we hadn't finished from the hot dog party. Shrav is tired, as expected, and napping quite a bit, but she is all smiles and sass so things are looking good.

This week we'll meet with the pediatrician and next week Dr. Mooradian to see how she's doing.

I will upload more photos later but we are enjoying our 'freedom' today.

Here is Shrav just before we came home.


Eanne said...

Hi Shravani!

Wow, look at your bright eyes and beautiful smile! We're so happy for you that you're home now. We look forward to seeing you sometime soon!

With Lots of Love and Big Hugs,
Aunt Annie, Uncle Wes and Cousin Sam

Shrav said...

Thanks, Aunt Annie, Uncle Wes & Samuel! Can't wait to see you!